Boosts Brainpower
-Chinese red Ginseng; leands the body energy and helps to improve brain functioning. by speeding up the nervous reflexes, this herb increases analytical and overall mental performance, while diminishing fatigue.
- Gotu Kola; improves learning abilities by facilitating better recall. Gotu Kola stimulates circulation to the brain, working as an energy enhancer on the cells of the brain. It is used to combat fatigue and to improve memory, it increases mental activity while at the same time having a mild calming effect on the body.
-Ginkgo Leaf; is used primarily as a brain and mental energy stimulant. The herb dilates blood vessels facilitating and improving blood flow to the tissues, increasing both peripheral and cerebral circulation and oxygenation of cells, and therefor increaseing mental alertness. It is used to increase the qualtiy of blood flow to the brain to improve memory.
-Cayenne; is a catalyst to all herbs. It aids the absorption, effectiveness, and the quick distribution of all herbs throughout the body by increaseing the circulation in the body and the bodys ability to digest anything in the stomach.
Super Foods
-Alfalfa Leaf; contains eight essential amino acids, has four times the amount of vitamin C found in citrus juices, and is high in carotene, vitamin K, and vitamin A. It contains a whole spectrum of minerals and trace minerals. Alfalfa has one of the highest levels of calcium found in a plant source, along with being one of the highest chlorophyll bearing plants known. It is also high in fiber.
-Barley Grass ;is an anti-oxidant high in chlorophyllins, containing many components that strengthen and maintain the immune system. It is cleansing to the cells, normalizing the metabolism and neutralizing heavy metals. It rapidly repairs damaged cells and in the process boosts cell resistance to cancer-type diseases.
-Beet Root ;is particularly effective for the kidneys. It is highly anti-inflammatory and cleansing to both the kidneys and the blood, and encourages healthy blood cell formation.
-Chlorella; contains all the B vitamins, vitamin C, E, and the highest level of chlorophyll of any plant. It is an excellent detoxifier of heavy metals, inhibits cancer cell growth, and has been found to protect cells against ultraviolet radiation. Chlorella, when taken on a regular basis, brings a noticeable increase in sustained energy and immune health.
-Dandelion Root; helps to clean and detoxify the body, acting as an ideally balanced diuretic because of high levels of potassium. It contains 7,000 units of vitamin C per ounce, and is invigorating and strengthening to the body in general.
-Nettle Leaf; is high in iron, silicon, and potassium. It is alkalizing to the body and is rich in minerals, chlorophyll, and vitamin K. Nettle helps to purify the blood, improve blood circulation, and cleanse the digestive tract.
-Parsley Leaf ;is high in chlorophyll, B vitamins, potassium, with broad healing and immune enhancing capabilities. It helps cleanse the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, bladder, and urinary system. Parsley has three times as much vitamin C as citrus juices, gram for gram, and is also high in iron.
-Spirulina; is the highest source in the world of Beta-carotene, vitamin B12 and gamma linoleic acid, as well as containing all nine essential amino acids. It has about four times the protein of beef, being 65-71% protein compared to beef's 18%. It has 26 times the calcium of milk, is rich in phosphorus, iron, and niacin. Spirulina builds blood, cells, and tissue, boosts energy, and overall improves quality of life for the body.
-Wheatgrass; is extremely rich in chlorophyll, and promotes general healing to the body. Research has shown that 100 pounds of fresh wheatgrass has the nutritional equivalent to 1 ½ tons of fresh vegetables. There has been reported success when using wheatgrass as a supplement when treating cancer.
-Kelp;high in minerals such as iodine, bromine, agonic acid, alginates and their organic salts, especially sodium alginate. It has the ability to neutralize waste from the body fluids to be more easily eliminated from the body, and Kelp helps to balance the endocrine system.
-Bee Pollen; contains completely balanced forms of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, enzyme precursors, and all essential amino acids. It is a complete blood building food that rejuvenates and boosts the body's health and well-being.
-Rose Hips; are high in antioxidants and contains 60 times more vitamin C than citrus fruit. It is cleansing to the entire system and is a good source of bio-flavonoids. It is especially useful to the cells of the body, for toning and balancing the tissues, general debility, exhaustion, kidney and gallbladder health, and overall strengthening of the body systems.
-Moringa Oleifiera; contains extensive nutrient concentrations and a complete protein with 90 different types of nutrients, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and high amounts of additional nutrients such as dietary fiber, iodine, lutein, zinc, selenium, zeatin and beta-carotene.
-Spinach; is rich in vitamins and minerals; it is also concentrated in health-promoting phytonutrients such as carotenoids (beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin) and flavonoids to provide you with powerful antioxidant protection.
Better Immunity
-Andrographis;- could strengthen immune system, release interferon and Japanese reports it stopped cancer cells from multiplying, possible help in the fight against Aids
-Echinacea; improves lymphatic filtration and drainage, and is top of the best blood purifying herbs. It removes toxins from the body, supports the immune system, is antibiotic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory. Echinacea is among the most powerful and effective remedies against all kinds of bacterial and viral infections, and is a primary herb in any formula to strengthen and rebuild the immune system.
-Pau d'Arco; is an antibiotic, anti-viral, anti-parasitic and anti-fungal herb. It's a primary immune enhancing herb, especially against viruses such as colds, flu, herpes, and hepatitis. Pau d'Arco is a strong blood builder and purifier, and has been known to eradicate environmentally produced allergies and asthma.
-Astragalus; is stimulating to the immune system through increasing the number of interferons and antibodies. -Astragalus; helps to increase strength and vitality, and promotes the elimination of toxins from the body while supporting the organs.
-Cat's Claw; is an immuno-stimulant. It is anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, an effective antiviral and antibiotic. Cat's claw is used to treat cancer, diabetes, herpes, AIDS, plus many other diseases.
-Schizandra Berry; is a longevity and immune system tonic that strengthens the tissues and retains body energy. It is capable of building the body's immune system and protecting it against the harms of stress.
-Reishi Mushroom; notably increase vitality and strengthens internal organs. It helps to normalize body functions, slow the effects of aging, and alleviate the effects of stress. Reishi is especially effective against wasting diseases such as cancer and AIDS.
-Shiitake Mushroom; is an adaptogen and promotes vitality and longevity. It stimulates the immune system to produce interferon, and also activates the T-helper cells to help fight disease.